Thursday, December 15, 2011

Three Things Thursday

1. I made it through my 13 mile run today and today was streak day 16! It actually went really well! I ended up not following my planned route and got back to the house at 11.5 miles so I jumped on the treadmill for 1.5 miles. My final time was 2:29. I ran 2 hills, the big one was hard.

I don't know if you can tell how steep it is

After I ran I got in an ice bath for 15 minutes and then took a scalding hot shower and fell asleep for 15 minutes and felt great! I'm a bit stiff, but otherwise I feel really good.

2. Little bitty had her preschool Christmas program tonight. She ended up being right in front of me, serendipity! She was adorable!!

A little blurry,
but so cute waving at daddy!

3. It's only 10 days until Christmas and I am so ready!! All the presents we have gotten are wrapped and we only need to get a couple more. We are also going to Zoo Lights on Saturday and I can't wait.


  1. awesome run! and way to conquer the hills!!! you are awesome for being ready for Christmas too...eeeek. crunch time over here for me ;) haha!

  2. I didnt get the streak going, but Im happy I havent missed a planned run yet! Congrats on the big mileage...there is no way I could convince myself to get on the treadmill after running are amazing!

  3. 16 days is awesome! We just saw L's cmas program yesterday (she goes 2 mornings/week) and it was too cute. I keep replaying the video over and over. So impressed you're all ready for Christmas!

  4. Hills never look as big on film... I SWEAR! Your bebe waving is sooo dang cute.
