Saturday, December 10, 2011

It's a Beautiful Day

Today wasn't a perfect day, but it was a beautiful day. I left work early so that I could go lead a 4-H Christmas Party, Mini Member Meeting (I'm the leader for all of our members in Kindergarten-3rd grade), and Caroling. It was so much fun!! We didn't have as many kids show up as we had hoped, but those who were there were great! We held the event at a local senior independent living home. The seniors were amazing, they sang along as we caroled, they thanked us for coming, they were sweet and being there made my heart swell.

Me and the girlies

After we sang we made ornaments and had lots of fun.

After that ended I came home and ran hills and sprints. It was only a 21 minute workout but it was great!! Now we are watching a couple more movies - Thor and Priest. We will see if I make it through both.

Question of the day - What did you do today?


  1. Hills and sprints on a Saturday? and you can do Bodyrock... yep... You're my hero.

  2. How sweet!! Love the pictures too -- I wish life wasn't so hectic right now so I could actually enjoy the "Holiday Season" -- Oh well!

  3. Hills and sprints - you rock! I did nothing today. Had a good run yesterday and then a late night out = rest day.

  4. Hey there--about the advice is to take some before a short run and see how it goes. I don't usually have problems, but always take one with water.

  5. These pics are great - sounds fun! Nice workout :)

  6. Thanks for your comment on the RBmarathon recap. So, I guess you KNOW what I was doing on Saturday... :) Honestly, a dinner date/shower invite at mile 25 of a marathon is a first for me....

  7. Hills and sprints? What a great way to make the most of a short workout!
