Tuesday, December 6, 2011

And The Streak Goes On

I did it, I got up again this morning! I am quite impressed with myself. Getting up means streak day 7 is done!! I didn't get up as early as I'd planned, I got up at 5:18 so I only got 3 miles in, but I am so so sore from the BodyRock workout that I don't know if I really could have done much more!!
The day has been pretty uneventful after the running - Got the girls up and ready, got them to school, went to work, picked girls up, hubs helped them do Christmas crafts while I made dinner, baths, etc. Just a regular night.

Tomorrow is my day off so I'll be able to run and do BodyRock after I volunteer in mini me's class, meaning I get to sleep in until 6!! I think I am going for 4 miles tomorrow, most likely outside since it will be later in the day.
Now for some running questions. I always use Clif Shot Blox (strawberry only) when I run, nothing else. I would like to branch out, but I'm not sure what to try. I've heard good things about GU (I did try GU chomps and the texture was fine I just didn't like the flavor I bought), Honey Stingers, Power Bar Gels, etc. I have no idea which to try. So, tell me what you like, what you don't like, what works for you. Also, how much and how often do you fuel? Please help a newbie out!


  1. Nice job on your streak!

    For food: I need salty foods when I'm running long (electrolyte drinks, saltines, goldfish crackers, pretzels). I can't deal with the sweetness of Gu, etc... Sweet just doesn't work for me. But everyone is different. The best advice I've ever heard is to just try stuff and see what works for you. No one ever recommends goldfish crackers, but those are my go-to fuel!

  2. Yeah I haven't found a Gu I can stomach either. All shot blox and clif shot gels for me. I also love gatorade for fuel because sometimes I just don't want to eat anything at all. A lot of folks use gummy bears and jelly beans too. I usually fuel if I'm running 8+. First at 50 min and then every 30-40 after that. I prefer smaller amounts more often.

  3. You need to fuel if your run is longer than an hour. I started with the Gu blocks, but now can tolerate the gels. I prefer the blocks and I eat one every 2-3 miles. I also run with Nuun for anything over an hour. Sometimes if it's just an hour, I just drink a big glass when I get home cuz I'm too lazy to carry something.

    Try lots of different things - you'll find what feels best.

  4. i am fortunate to not have too many stomach issues with fuel. my favorites are the chocolate gu or chocolate #9 brand. the power bar gels are not as thick in consistency so they are a bit easier to get down. i do find that i get more energy from gels rather than chomps though. i usually fuel on runs 10 miles and longer (every 5-6 miles). anything over 6 i might carry a handheld with electrolyte drink in it.

  5. I love the clif blks but when I dont use them I use hammer gels they are the easiest for me to get down!

  6. I actually asked a similar question in my post today! I've always used Gu, but my stomach is sensitive and it always upsets it…I've tried Clif Shot Bloks and am going to try some other solid types of fuel...
