Sunday, January 15, 2012

You Can Do Anything

I was feeling lazy and boring and not like posting, but then hubs and I started watching last night's episode of Saturday Night Live and the following skit catapulted me into action.

You Can Do Anything

I decided I needed to participate in Fitness Cheerleader's challenge for today, handstand push ups. Hilarity ensued!! I realized that not only am I a weakling, I'm also a chicken!! After I chickened out of doing the handstand alone I did a headstand, but couldn't push myself up. Then hubs helped me get into the handstand and I promptly collapsed when I tried to do the push up portion. Upper body strength must be worked on!! Now for your enjoyment, photographic evidence of my idiocy!

Laugh and enjoy!


  1. When I was in gymnastics I could do it, but my upper body was weak and it was *tough*.. Now my upper body is even weaker and Id probably break my neck trying, but I can do an unassisted headstand still.. That must count for something, right?

    1. I can do an unassisted headstand too! We rock :-)

  2. haha that is great!! love it and you rocked it!

  3. Hilarious! A headstand push up is pretty hardcore, way to attempt it!

  4. Those are hard. My daughter had to do them (minus the push up) for ballet class. She started out the weakest and ended up going for several minutes at a time...the strongest chic there! Thanks so much for your congrats comment. :)

  5. OMG that is hilarious! I'm pretty sure I'd rupture something if I tried that.

  6. Funny pictures! I doubt I would have the ability to pull those off either!!!

  7. Holy toledo - i'm impressed! i think i would hurt something! LOL
