Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Another Day, Another Sick Kid

It's my day off and I've got another sick little one home with me today. I swear they're dropping like flies!! First mini me was sick and now little bitty is sick. She's not super sick, just has a cough and a low grade fever. Hopefully she'll be feeling better tomorrow.

I didn't make it back Monday or yesterday to post about my doctor's appointment... Everything looked good with my blood work, except my cholesterol, it was borderline high. Instead of talking to me about my diet and ways to to lower my cholesterol on my own or without pills she just sent in an Rx for me. I'm not comfortable going on cholesterol medication at 32 for borderline cholesterol so I won't be taking it. I Have a follow up appointment in 4 months and if I don't get it lowered by then I am planning to go get a second opinion and figure out where to go from there.

I was lazy and slept in this morning so I thought was going to miss out on Erica at Life as a Running Mom's Leap Day 2.9 mile run. But since little bitty is home sick I got it done this morning while she was relaxing and playing on her Leappad. It wasn't super fast, 31.23 minutes, but it felt good. After my run I did another workout from Nike Training Center and while it was one of the 15 minute ones it was tough. I really love this app and since it's free I think everyone who has an iPhone should get it!!

I am excited that I ordered some shoes I've been coveting today, they are from hubs for my birthday and I can't wait for them to get here!!

Black Glitter Toms

Natural Crochet Toms

The rest of the week will be spent getting the big girl packed for her 3 day field trip next week and going to dance. I'll be back to post again on Friday most likely.


  1. Aww poor kiddos! Hopefully they feel better soon!

  2. I hope the kids feel better and I hope you stay healthy. Way to get your run in!

  3. hope the kiddos start feeling better soon! the black glittery toms are my fave...i have always wanted a pair as well :)

  4. I just got a pair of the toms ballet slippers, I cant wait to wear them!

  5. That is crazy your doc just put you straight on medication for cholesterol without trying anything else!

    Love the black glitter Toms. A friend of mine got her daughter pink glitter Toms and they are so cute!

  6. My little girl has some "knock off" black glitter Toms.. ADORABLE!! I want some for myself. I *love* flats.
